
Björn Köhler Founder of the music promotion agency bangup bulletMy name is Björn Köhler and I am the founder of the PR agency bangup bullet. I was born in the idyllic but unfortunately also very sleepy southern German village called Auenwald. After graduating from high school, I quickly moved to Berlin.

To my own surprise, I was even able to complete my master’s degree there, which I started at Humboldt University. In the subjects of linguistics – focus on psycholinguistics -, philosophy and political science.

After that I worked as an online journalist and copywriter and by chance fell into the music industry and suddenly ran two record labels and a music publishing company.

I also organized concerts, started the SoundGroundBerlin initiative and founded my own PR agency bangup bullet. And since 2014 I’ve been doing music promotion full-time there for independent artists of various genres.

PR agency focusing on music promotion for independent artists

I offer media work through my PR agency in the Online, Print, Radio, and TV sector and occasionally I give bands a bit of Artist Coaching on all issues that come with being an artist. Since June 2018 I have also been running courses and giving lectures (including e.g. Music Pool Berlin, PopKW, LAG Soziokultur Brandenburg, Musico Kiel) in the area of online marketing, campaign work, artist development, …

Promotion Panel

As part of a panel during the Berlin Music Week, Berthold Maß, Jonathan Bouchard and I were able to talk about the topic of “Promo and PR Concepts”. A Berlin SAE team kindly recorded this conversation (you can watch it with subtitles automatically translated into funny English):


Furthermor I had the chance to answer a few questions by wonderful Anna Marie Hradecká in an INSOUNDER interview about the indie music scene in general and in Berlin in particular, as well as about topics such as artist profile, presentation, marketing, promotion – and me 🙂

Do you have any questions or comments?

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