Never heard of Recklinghausen? That should change soon. Provided you like it sweaty, loud and energetic. Because then you will hardly be able to get past TYLER LEADS.

They came from the above-mentioned North Rhine-Westphalian metropolis and are ideal for anyone who casually tucks the cigarette box under their shirt sleeves, pierces their jeans and preferably wears their hair long.

That means: There is full ROCK here! With the ass first and with a running start! Between popping and rushed punk feel, sleazy groove and borrowings from the good old days, TYLER LEADS has something for everyone who understands riff-oriented music as religion.

Especially live, the five guys around the exceptional singer JOHNNY KOVACS are the epitome of joy in playing and a guarantee for an exuberant party full of unconscious rock’n’roll. Never heard of Recklinghausen? Never mind. Will you soon only be known as Rocklinghausen anyway …

Links: Homepage, Facebook, Spotify