The astonishingly so far almost undiscovered rock band “WIESNER” from the east of the republic pulls out all the necessary stops on his second long player “5 vor 12” (“5 to 12”). This gives the record its characteristic “Wiesner sound”. Potent grooves, catchy riffs and rough vocal lines create a clear edge and differentiation from pleasing fashion music. They are the rebellious and critical basis for his relentless commentary on the state of the nation. Because: Mazze Wiesner reflects in his own way with a lot of strength and self-confidence current affairs. But also interpersonal relationships.
If we go, for example, to the bottom of thins in his brooding texts like “Schizophrenia” or “Leb dein Leben” (“Live your Life”), one recognizes the inner turmoil of the artist on the one hand. Contrary to this, songs like “Und dann (uh)” (“And then (uh)”) and “Das Beste überhaupt” (“The best ever”) show rather idealistic optimism. The young rock musician describes very personal accents about the loss of his two unborn children in the songs “Dein Licht” (“Your Light”), “Tränen, wenn sie lacht” (“Tears when She Laughs”) and “Leuchtturmwärter” (“Lighthouse Keeper”).
The album “5 vor 12” lives from pent-up energy, which is completely discharged in the 13 powerful songs. With this milestone in German-language rock music, WIESNER won’t be an insider tip any longer. More information is available here.