“DO I SMELL CUPCAKES” are at the start with their brand new up-tempo single “WELCOME TO ADOLESCENCE”. There they impressively prove that songwriting suitable for the masses and unleashed enthusiasm do not have to be mutually exclusive. The mighty guitar widescreen is broken here again and again by opulent synths and the hymn-like falsetto voice of the singer Can Monarc.
The arc from the highly dynamic arrangement to the development phase indicated in the title is easily drawn. To this end, Monarc effortlessly skips the notes and strides verse by verse towards the great power-pop hookline. Their catchyness is topped by the two-part bridge.
Here the trio breaks with the indie rock principle that is racing forward for a brief moment. They shifts back a gear to the chorale background before the exuberant beat returns to initiate a brilliant finale. WELCOME TO ADOLESCENCE! More information is available here.